We have tried to make a difference by advocating about the organic way to garden. I have written formulas for you to follow which I tested and have proven they work. I feel it is important for everyone to grow their plants organically. Organically grown plants remove C02 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, chemically grown plants pollute the environment adding nitrous oxide to our atmosphere. Our book “12 Steps to Natural Gardening” covers every aspect of organic gardening providing you with formulas, calendars and recommended products to use. We have tested these formulas and customers following them have attested to their success. We recommend only organic amendments and are strong advocates of following the organic programs. The organic way is nature’s way which is the right way. We have tested our formulas on landscape installations and our customers following our guide lines have attested to their success. We recommend only organic amendments. Everything from nature needs to go back into nature. We are forced to close our business after 74 years. We will miss it dearly. When we opened up our business in 1944 there were 13 Garden Centers in Edgemont. Now there are none left. Trying to run a Garden Center in Edgemont with its high tax base makes it almost impossible. Two huge fires did not help. I always felt transiting to an organic Garden Center would draw a large audience. We were ahead of our time but I still believe the organic way is going to become the way of the future. I will do my part to keep you informed and guide you. I am completing the editing of my new book ’12 STEPS TO REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING” The basis for the book is that everyone can play a part to help reduce global warming. If you cover your land with plants, grow them organically, through photosynthesis, nature will remove C02 from the atmosphere. During the month of April,, as the weather warms up, plant pansies to spruce up the outside creating spring color. There is nothing more cheerful than to be greeted with a colorful display of colorful flowers. The faces of pansies greet you with a cheerful smile and will give you a much needed lift. It is time to buy your organic vegetable seeds. We recommend High Mowing Organic Seeds which we consider to be the best organic seed on the market. We have had great success with them in the past. They are 100 % certified organic, bred to perform best in organic conditions, robust, vigorous genetics and modern disease resistance. The seed is regularly tested for germination rates, disease and GMO contamination – buy them with confidence. The High Mowing Team brings a deep level of experience with their cultivated and tested varieties. This brings high performance in organic home gardens. High Mowing Organic Seeds; 78 Quarry road, Wolcott Vermont 05680, telephone 802 472 6174, website We always felt Westchester needed an organic center, for it is the way to garden in the future and our residents need guidance and a place to ask questions. Organic vegetables can provide healthy food for the family, pest free lawns are safe for your children and pets to play on and growing plants organically takes CO2 out of the air while growing them chemically adds CO2 to the air. . My book “12 Steps to Natural Gardening” which covers every aspect of organic gardening, will guide you how to garden organically. It provides you with formulas, calendars and recommended products to use. We have tested these formulas on landscape jobs and customers following them have attested to their success. If you don’t own my book, I suggest you purchase it for it will help you. It is available on We also will have it available locally so call the Nursery and we will let you know where you can purchase it. Many who own it tell me it is their organic bible. Organic gardening is good common sense gardening. Our formulas use only organic amendments. The organic way is the way to go in the future. Krautter’s Korner continues to be emailed to you at the beginning of each month and this is the longest email of the month. It lists all of the important things that should be done in the garden for that month. My hope is you will refer to this helpful list as you try to accomplish your organic gardening chores. My weekly emails will be concentrating on things that are taking place at the time. Things that you need to do because of weather changes, time of the year and garden tips to make you a better gardener. I will try to keep these brief and to the point. I will continue to write articles on important topics like the organic lawn, the organic vegetable garden, composting, water etc. I feel it is important to grow your own food and build your own vegetable garden. I think you can be taught allot if you do your own gardening. Once you work with nature you learn from her. Natures lessons are the best way to educate ourselves. We learn by doing. These are lessons that I have learned in growing organic plants. The hidden half of nature is difficult to comprehend and is difficult for us all to understand, so it needs to be experienced. I have lived through this transition from chemical to organic; I have grown in my understanding of the organic world. When I graduated from Cornell my buddy standing next to me said now we go on to the school of hard knocks where we will really learn how to grow plants. He was right and every day you learn something new. I will try to write my articles to help you become a successful gardener. If you miss a week, all my articles will be clearly listed so you can access them quickly any time you want to. Go to When the ground is workable, it is a signal that we need to get to work in our garden. There is lots to do when the season arrives. We need to follow the phonological calendar not the calendar hanging on the wall. The birds, the plants and the animals live in the outdoor world and their instincts are keys to their survival. When the outside world comes alive, spring is in the air. It is time to fertilize plants and lawns, remove winter protection, mulch bare areas, condition the soil for spring planting, prune shrubs while they are still dormant, spray dormant oils prior to new growth. There are lots of chores that need to get done. The season moves rapidly forward. I am concerned about the nutrient value of the food we eat and the potential food shortages that are apt to incur. Anyone who owns land has the ability to grow vegetables, herbs and fruits and should consider doing so. I am a great advocate of growing vegetables in our back yards. Let’s get schools and young children involved in the organic movement. My invention ‘Krautter’s Year Round Organic Vegetable Garden’ is an ideal project for schools with over 100 lessons to learn from Mother Nature. View my video and follow this link to purchase building plans. There is a lot of grant money available for a project like this. What is incredible about this structure is that we have tested it for 3 years and even with the temperatures plummeting to a record low of -7 below 0 degrees my vegetables survived and thrived. View my video to see why. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO and lets get schools involved in this great learning experience. This is a structure that can be built by any school or contact us and we will get someone to build it for you. I am thrilled to see that the organic movement is taking hold. What I, as a grower, love about the organic approach is that it makes sense and the results are incredible. It’s all about employing good growing principles and meeting the needs of your plants. This is a better way than using chemical fertilizer, toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. We can grow great plants if we follow nature’s ways. The switch makes sense for our environment, for the health of our children, pets and us. By following nature’s ways we can produce superior quality plants, turf, fruits and vegetables in our garden. Those who have religiously followed our monthly recommendations have reported terrific results. Read my book ‘12 Steps To Natural Gardening; And follow my web site. and go to instructional-videos to view videos. My book is available on Spring Chores We Need To Get Done: Skillful pruning will be important before the sap begins to flow. Prune out dead branches but scratch the bark first to make sure that they are really dead. Control height and width. Read the chapter on Pruning in my book on page 65. Dormant spraying should take place prior to new growth. When the sun shines and the temperatures become warm, we gardeners are in our glory. March is a very erratic month and can manifest tremendous temperature fluctuations, so take advantage of the good days. Evergreens, Trees and Shrubs: Spray your yard with Neem Oil if you have had insect problems in the past. It is an organic control suffocating the eggs of overwintering insects before they hatch into future insect problems. Fertilize all evergreen plants with Holly-tone and deciduous plants with Plant-tone. Prune and shape plants with broken branches. Add 1-2 inches of leafmold, a high carbon microbial food to build up your food web once every 5 years. Mineralize your soil once every three years. Maintain a 2- inch layer of organic mulch all year round on your plants. Deer Do a Tremendous Amount of Damage in late winter as food is scarce and they widen their territory. Deer repellents are particularly important at this time of the year. If you affect two of their senses, both taste and smell, you will get better control. We like Deer Scram which repels by smell along with Deer Stopper which repels by taste. Alternating Deer repellent products is advisable. Roses: Winter protection should be removed and the roses should be pruned. Use a good pruner such as the Felco 2 which gives a sharp, clean cut. Feed roses with one cup of Rose-tone fertilizer per bush. Make sure your rose beds are well mulched. Lawns: Fertilize your lawn as soon as the weather permits. Milorganite is a high organic nitrogen fertilizer that is rich in iron, calcium and acts as a deer repellent. Apply Mineral Rock Dust to re-mineralize your soil and Gypsum to help alleviate compaction. Perennials: Fertilize with Plant-tone, clean up any dead debris that may be lingering or lying on top and make sure all perennials are adequately cut back. As the ground becomes workable, divide clumps that are too large and plant new perennials. Top dress your perennial beds with Fundy Blend which acts as an excellent nutritive mulch. The preparation of new planting beds can take place, as soon as the ground is workable. For instructions see “Preparation of a New Planting Bed”. The formula is listed in my book and at the end of this article. Foundation Plants: Clean up leaves and dead debris, fertilize with Holly-tone or Plant-tone and mulch beds with 2” organic mulch. Prune back any unsightly branches or reduce excessive growth. Soil Amendments March is the time to enhance your soil. Organics should be worked into new beds and top dressed into existing beds. Vegetable, perennial and flower beds all need help in the spring. Our favorite organics are the fish based composts from the Coast of Maine. They are Lobster Compost and Penobscot Blend. I like adding them together for best results. The greater the mix the greater the results Vegetables: Make your selection and buy your organic seeds now. Once you have made your selection you can develop a time table as when to start them. Now is the time you can start prepping your old vegetable garden or start planning or building a new bed to grow them in. Refer to my book “12 Steps To Natural Gardening” page 159 for instructions. Most Asked Questions: How do I prune my Hydrangeas? The arborescens types should be pruned all the way down to the ground in early spring. The paniculatas should be pruned back but not all the way in early spring. Both of these bloom on current year’s growth. The macrophylla types cannot be pruned in the spring as they bloom on second year’s growth. They should be pruned as soon as the flowers fade in the spring. However, last year’s dead flowers and old growth should be removed. Refer to our chapter on “Pruning” on page 65 in my book. I am now available to visit and do consulting calls. Call the Nursery to set up an appointment. 914 723 2382. However identifying plant material is something I do not do. There are too many new varieties that come out each year. Oscar Flores my former landscape foreman will come out and give you a free estimate and advise you for any landscape jobs you want done. He is very talented and knowledgeable. His number is 914 907 3352. PREPARATION OF A NEW PLANTING BED This formula transforms the worst possible soil to the best possible soil. Per 100 square feet dig in and mix to a depth of one foot. This formula builds a sustainable garden. You need a good soil to grow a great plant. Per 100 square feet dig and mix into the top one foot area: 1 bale of peatmoss 3.8 cubic feet. 1 bag of Coir 2 bags of Lobster mix: 40 lb bags of compost 2 bags of Penobscot mix: 40 lb. bags of compost 2 bags of Cow Manure 40 lb. 2 bags of Black Earth Organic Top soil 1 pound of Mineral Rock Dust 5 pounds of Lime 4.5 pounds of Bone Meal 8 pounds of Plant-Tone List of Organic supplies listed in my book and where to buy them. I have used a code system to identify where. Carlson’s Greenhouses also known as Elmwood Greenhouses code: ELA family business that grows all their plants in a large range of greenhouses. They started in 1946 at this location. They grow all their plants in an organic soil using leaf mold from their composting operation as their main ingredient. They are a family business growing up in the same environment that we did. This year they will be switching their feeding program from a chemical fertilizer to Nature’s Source an organic seed based organic fertilizer. They will also be carrying Nature’s Source in retail sizes. I am trying to convince them to use beneficals instead of sprays. This is good news for all of you that want to continue to purchase organic plants. Pay them a visit encourage them for making this move and take a walk through their large range of greenhouses. They are great people. 625 Dobbs Ferry Road White Plains, New York 10607 914 949 2756 914 684 6084 Nature’s Cradle Code: NC An all organic nursery started in 2000. They carry the full line of Johathan Green organic lawn products. This is key source for anyone who wants to continue with our lawn programs. 55 Mill Road, Eastchester, New York 10709 914 779 8723 914 779 8857 Rosedale Nursery Code: RO A huge selection of plant material and Garden supplies. A family business started in the 1800s. Rated the best Garden Center in Westchester. 51 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne, New York 914 769 1300 Peat moss (RO) (NC)(EL) Lobster mix: 40 lb bags of compost (RO) (EL) Penobscot mix: 40 lb. bags of compost (RO) (EL) Fundy Blend (RO) (EL) Dark Harbor Blend (RO) (EL) Pine Bark Mulch (RO) (EL) Cedar Mulch (RO) Bags of Cow Manure (RO) (EL) Bags of Black Earth Organic Top soil (RO) (EL) Mineral Rock Dust ( Azomite) (RO)(EL) Lime (RO) (EL) Magical (NC) Bone Meal (RO) (NC) The Tones Espoma line of products (RO) (EL) Plant-Tone (RO) (EL) Holly-Tone (RO) (EL) Bio-tone starter plus (RO) (EL) Rose -Tone (RO) (EL) Garden-Tone (RO) (EL) Nature’s Source all sizes (EL) Myke (ask them to carry this item) Can be purchased from Griffen Greenhouse Suplies Azomite mineral rock dust (Compostwerks 914-774-2208) (RO) (EL) Gypsum 25 lb bags (RO) (NC) Lobster Compost (RO) (NC) (EL) Penobscot Blend (RO) (EL) Peat Moss (RO) (NC) (EL) Fafard top soil. (RO) Hay for seeding (RO) (NC) Milorganite (RO) (NC) Jonathan Green Organic lawn products and Grass seed The full organic line (NC) Full Sun (NC) Black Beauty Ultra (NC) Black Beauty (NC) Shady Knook (NC) Corn Gluten (NC) Jonathan Green Natural Beauty Fertilizer (NC) Jonathan Green Humates (Feed Your Soil) (NC) Mag I Cal (NC) Hay (Mulch Master)(RO) (NC) Kelp liquid (Neptunes Harvest) (RO) (NC) Kelp granular (RO) Mineral Rock Dust (RO) Lobster Compost (RO) Milky Spore (RO) (NC) Milorganite an organic fertilizer (RO) (NC) Ringer Lawn Restore Compost Tea (make your own) Organic sprays: Neem oil (RO) (NC) Captain Jack’s Dead Bug (Spinosad) (NC) (EL) Earth-Tone insect control (RO) (EL) Insecticidal Soap (RO) (NC) (EL) All Seasons Horticultural Oil (RO) (NC) Copper fungicide (RO) (NC) Beneficials (RO) (NC) (EL) Lady bugs Nematodes Praying Mantis Gilberties organic herbs and Vegetables Gilbertie’s is an independent garden center located in Wesport, CT one mile north of Exit 17 off I-95. Their web site says we are USDA Certified organic growers of the finest herbs, vegetables, annuals and perennials. The knowledgeable staff , educational lectures and seminars we offer will enhance your gardens and your life! Gilberties delivers their herbs weekly to locations in Westchester . I have listed a few. It is a very worthwhile outing for the organic gardener to take. Gilbertie’s has a huge selection of organic herbs, vegetable starts and flowering plants and is a very beautiful place. A family business started in 1922. I carried their plants for over 60 years. Call before you go to make sure their herbs are ready for sale. They grow all their own plants. 203 227 4175 7 Sylvan Lane Westport Conn Gilbertie herbs can be bought at Michaels Garden Gate Nursery: 146 Bedford Road Mt Kisco New York 10549 914 666 3177 *They also handle lots of organic plants and organic supplies. Mc Ardle’s Florist and Garden Center 55 years in business 48 arch Street Greenwich, Conn 06830 203 661 5600 Other places to visit SAM BRIDGE NURSEY AND GREENHOUSES A wide selection of Beautiful plants . Locally grown products. Expert advice A worthwhile trip to make. 437 North street Greenwich Conn. 203 869 3418 High Mowing Organic seeds (large vegetable selection, order on line) High Mowing Organic Seeds is an independently –owned, farm based seed company committed to sustainable agriculture since 1996. We found their selection, service and germination superior. 76 Quarry Road Walcott Vermont 05680 802 472 6174 (order seeds on line) |